Bosnia and Herzegovina – 20 years of peace

BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA, 20 godina miraAmbassador Vesna Ćužić participated in the conference on the theme of the Dayton Peace Agreement entitled “Bosnia and Herzegovina -20 years of peace”.

The conference held in Stockholm on 12/05/2015. was organized by the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), Human rights defenders and civic associations: APU Network, the Union of BiH Associations in Sweden and Kvinna till Kvinna association.

Introduction to the conference was given by Mats Karlsson, Director of the Swedish Institute of International Affairs and Ambassador Ćužić.

Ambassador Ćužić after reminding of the processes that Dayton conference launched spoke about the EU integration process, which was given new impetus with the entry into force of the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU and the implementation of the Reform Agenda.

A number of the participants from the political, scientific and public life of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sweden have tried through a panel discussion to answer several questions: Dayton Peace Agreement: the success or failure; How (not) to build peace and How to deal with the legacy of war.

The conference was attended by representatives of a number of diplomatic missions in Sweden, the former Ambassadors of Sweden to Bosnia and Herzegovina, representatives of the Swedish government institutions and non-governmental organizations as well as many citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina who live Sweden.


BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA, 20 godina mira  BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA, 20 godina mira